We have been asked in the past for permission to share our presentations with other clubs/individuals. You have our permission to download and use our presentations we just ask that you give credit to the creator of the presentation. And if you have some interesting presentations please let us know as we are always looking for something to share with our members during our monthly meetings. Just click on the contact above.
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The following club presentations are available for viewing or download:
- FleetTalk – W4FTK
The Columbia Amateur Radio Club had the honor to host a presentation on the subject of
FleetTalk during the October 2023 monthly Club meeting. Matt Hall, KD4EOD, and John
Morandi, NI4JM shared the motivation and history behind the FleetTalk repeater system starting
initially with APRS and later transitioning to the addition of AllStar for linking repeaters. While the system continues to expand, FleetTalks’ key goal remains to provide wide area capability and good-quality analog audio. Their message was clear, the FleetTalk group encourages amateur radio operators to utilize the system.For additional information about FleetTalk, follow this link:
W4FTK-FleetTalk Amateur Radio Group – W4FTK Linked Radio System (home.blog)W4FTK Presentation:W4FTK.pdf
- May 2022 CARC Meeting Presentation: Field Day by Kevan-Nason-N4XL
- AREDN-MESH Networking by Wayne N1CLV – Temporarily Unavailable
- Take Off Angles and HFTA – By Kevin Nason N4XL – Provided by RATPAC Planning
- 2020 Governor’s Cup Half Marathon – Feb 22 (W4JLP)
- Ferrite and Baluns (N4XL) – (Videos removed – links in appropriate slides)
- Sandblast Rally (KK4LPD)
- Ham Radio Mesh Networks (HSMM/BBHN/AREDN) (W1GTT)
- Making a Printed Circuit Board, Charles McKinnis KU5N
- The New 630m and 2200m Amateur Bands, Doug Allen (K4LY)
- Introduction to Wire Antennas Marc Tarplee N4UFP
- Contest Radio Review 2018
- Arduino and Ham Radio
- Ham Radio related Arduino books – links
- Advanced Thunderstorm Topics for SKYWARN Spotters, Doug Anderson W4NWS
- National Parks on the Air overview
- How to re-purpose a computer power supply for use in amateur radio
- Introduction to software-defined radio
- Getting started with Digital Mobile Radio (DMR)
- Stealth antennas
- An introduction to operating digital modes
- Basic SKYWARN Spotter Training
- A simple multi-band wire antenna for HF
- 40 Meter NVIS Antenna
- HF Operating 101
- Ham Radio and Power Converters
We’re always looking for interesting topics for our monthly meetings. If you’d like to request a particular topic, or would like to speak on a certain topic, please contact us!