Author's posts
Column: HAM? HAM radio? ham radio? Amateur Radio? amateur radio!
On the ARRL PR mailing list, we’ve been discussing the proper way to refer to amateur radio. What brought this up was an email from one list subscriber, Richard, WB6NAH, who was (rightfully) proud of the work that his club—the Skagit Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Club—was doing. He noted that they were even featured in …
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FT8CALL, The NEWEST HF Digital Mode
A New FT8 with Rag Chew Abilities:
Tom Wright (NN2X)
August 12, 2018
Hello Fellow Ham operators
Yes indeed there is a NEW FT8, in which you can have a QSO!!! (Called FT8CALL)
This is what we have been waiting for, at least for those who desire to have a QSO rather than just signal …
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Column: Noise floor report does not inspire confidence
By Dan Romanchik, KB6NU
Last June, the FCC’s Technical Advisory Committee asked licensed and unlicensed users of the electromagnetic spectrum to answer some questions about the noise they were experiencing and whether or not it was affecting their services. Specifically, they asked:
Is there a noise floor problem? Where does the problem exist? Spectrally? Spatially? …
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Column: Is there a market for a $400 “prepper” radio?
We are carrying KB6NU’s monthly column here on our website and newsletter. For those of you who don’t know Dan, he’s the author of the free “No-Nonsense Study Guides” for all three license classes, and he’s written several books, of interest to hams. Learn more at his website,
By Dan Romanchik, KB6NU
A couple of days ago, …
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Column: Celebrating your club’s Elmers might encourage others
By Dan Romanchik, KB6NU
Sam, W5KF, recently sent me a link to the Elmers’ page on the Norman, OK, South Canadian Amateur Radio Society (SCARS) website. Not only is it a listing of the club members who have stepped forward to Elmer new members, but also provides ways to honor current and past Elmers. This …
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Former CARC president, John Crockett, W3KH, SK at age 69
It is with deep regret that we inform you of the passing of John Crockett, W3KH. After a long bout with cancer, John passed peacefully the morning of Oct. 12, surrounded by his beloved family and wife, Karen. John and Karen had their 40th wedding anniversary days before.
Amateur radio and emergency communications …
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Bugging Out: Packs and bags
By Jay Leeper, W4TFX
One of the most difficult tasks, and one needing several attempts to find the right one, is choosing a bag or pack that will contain the gear required for a successful go-kit or bug-out bag (BOB).
Consider the bag itself. There are many on the market, from hard shell to military …
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