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CARC August Meeting Details

Greetings, everyone! This month we will have an in-person Skywarn training/presentation.

A Skywarn presentation is an educational session to inform and train individuals about the Skywarn program and its role in severe weather reporting and response. The presentation is typically conducted by representatives from the National Weather Service (NWS) or trained volunteers who know the program.

During a Skywarn presentation, participants can expect to learn the following key points:

  1. Introduction to Skywarn: The presentation starts with an overview of the Skywarn program, its history, and its importance in enhancing public safety during severe weather events.
  2. Weather Spotter Training: Participants receive training on becoming effective weather spotters. This includes learning about severe weather phenomena such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, hail, and strong winds.
  3. Identifying Severe Weather: The presentation includes guidance on how to identify and observe severe weather conditions, including cloud formations, visual cues, and other signs of imminent weather hazards.
  4. Reporting Procedures: Participants are taught how to report severe weather observations to the NWS. This includes information on the different reporting methods, such as phone hotlines, websites, and social media channels.
  5. Safety Measures: Skywarn presentations emphasize the importance of safety while spotting severe weather. Participants are educated about safe observation practices and how to avoid putting themselves in harm’s way.
  6. Collaborating with NWS: The presentation explains how the information provided by Skywarn spotters is used by meteorologists at the NWS to issue accurate and timely severe weather warnings.
  7. Community Involvement: Attendees are encouraged to get involved in the Skywarn program and contribute to their community’s preparedness and safety during severe weather events.

Overall, a Skywarn presentation aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to become active participants in the program, contributing to the overall goal of creating a weather-ready nation.

Following Skywarn training, we will present suggested CARC By-Law changes for Club consideration.

Zoom Details

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 851 6197 9965
Passcode: 386573

One tap mobile
+13126266799,,85161979965#,,,,*386573# US (Chicago)
+16469313860,,85161979965#,,,,*386573# US

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July 15th CARC POTA Experience Day

This month, hams and Eggs will meet at Sesqui Centennial State Park, Group Camping area. We will be there at 9 am Saturday, hosting a breakfast of biscuits, gravy, doughnuts, and coffee. This is a great time to test your gear, ask questions, and enjoy the fellowship outdoors. Like ARRL Field Day, when you check in at the gate, let them know you are there for the Radio Club Event in the Group Camping area.

We will monitor Club Repeater 147.330 if you have any questions or need directions. So, what to bring? You are welcome to bring your gear and setup, we have the entire area to ourselves, and there will be plenty of help if needed.


Parks on the Air: This is an excellent opportunity to activate the park; you only need ten contacts. We will have plenty of ways to get you on the air.

Bill W4SFV Clock Kit Build: Bill discussed his new little clock kit at the last club meeting. He will have kits available to buy and build at the event. The cost is $10 per clock.

Gear Testing: Great opportunity to test your radio, antenna, and portable power. We will have plenty of space for all who want to join.

Title: Exploring Nature’s Wonders through Parks on the Air (POTA)

In an increasingly digital world, it’s refreshing to find a hobby combining nature’s wonders with the art of radio communication. Parks on the Air (POTA) is a captivating activity that brings amateur radio operators out of their shacks and into the great outdoors. By setting up portable radio stations in parks, forests, and other natural areas, participants not only indulge in their passion for radio but also immerse themselves in the beauty and tranquility of Mother Nature.

POTA enthusiasts travel to designated parks with portable antennas, radios, and batteries. The objective? To establish radio contacts with fellow operators across the globe, exchanging signals and experiencing the thrill of communication through various bands and modes. Whether the crackle of Morse code echoing through the trees or the clarity of voice transmissions amidst breathtaking landscapes, POTA offers a unique fusion of technology and nature. It presents an opportunity for operators to challenge their skills in adapting to different environments, setting up efficient antennas in the wilderness, and overcoming the logistical hurdles of operating in remote areas.

Beyond the technical aspects, POTA is also about building connections and fostering a sense of community. As operators navigate national parks, wildlife reserves, and other public lands, they meet like-minded individuals who share their love for radio and the great outdoors. The POTA website serves as a central hub, listing designated parks and providing a platform for operators to log their contacts, track their progress, and engage in friendly competition. Through POTA, operators contribute to the preservation of natural areas and inspire others to explore and appreciate the beauty of the world around them.

Parks on the Air (POTA) is more than just a hobby; it’s a gateway to new experiences, adventures, and friendships. By combining the thrill of radio communication with the serenity of natural environments, POTA enthusiasts immerse themselves in an extraordinary blend of technology and nature. So, if you’re seeking a unique way to explore the world, connect with fellow radio enthusiasts, and contribute to preserving our precious parks, grab your radio gear and embark on a POTA adventure. The wilderness awaits!

We hope to see you all there!


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CARC July Club Meeting

Greetings all! In this months Club meeting we will have a guest speaker, John P Gendron, NJ4Z, ARRL Section Manager, South Carolina. This will be an excellent opportunity to ask ARRL leadership questions and hear what is in store for the future of ARRL.

Zoom meeting details are below if you can’t attend the in-person meeting!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 828 7709 5357
Passcode: 705215

One tap mobile
+19294362866,,82877095357#,,,,*705215# US (New York)
+13017158592,,82877095357#,,,,*705215# US (Washington DC)

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June 17th Hams and Egg!

Reminder! Tonight is the CARC Events planning call, if you are planning to attend CARC’s ARRL Field Day event please join so you will be in the know! Also, a reminder that Hams and Eggs is this Saturday, see calendar for details. We will be going to Sesquicentennial State Park right after Hams and Eggs for a POTA Experience and to test AREDN Mesh Networking! This is a great time to ask questions and learn more about POTA and AREDN Mesh Networking.

Safety and Antenna Placement – Gary Hester, W4GWH
I will be at Sesquicentennial State Park’s primitive area Saturday morning and can assist with your antenna placement and installation if needed. Since RF Exposure calculations have been required since early May, I would ask that you bring a copy either paper or digital. I will have flags and caution tape to mark off any restricted areas. Also, please be aware that there is a power line running across Site 4 to Site 1. There are a few dead or dying trees that I will have marked so watch out for falling branches when placing your antenna and/or tent if camping overnight. I will be available on the Club’s simplex frequency of 146.400 if you need to reach me.

Meal Planning and Preparations – Jean Covey and Charles McKinnis
At 6:00 PM on Saturday, June 24th, we will take a little break from Field Day Activities for dinner.  Charles McKinnis has graciously offered to grill our main course, grilled chicken.  We are asking those who attend to bring a side dish or dessert to share.  We will have limited ability to heat cold dishes, but, for those coming after 5 PM, we will be able to keep hot dishes warm until dinner.  We want to make a list of foods being brought, so if you would please email Jean Covey at [email protected] with what you will be bringing it would be very helpful.
Thank you.

GOTA – Get on the Air
We will have a GOTA station setup and need to have a few volunteers operate the station during the day. The GOTA station will be active starting at 2:00 pm until late evening. Please stop by the GOTA station if you can spare 30 minutes to an hour. Join the Planning call to learn more about GOTA!

Planning Call Information

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ARRL Field Day – CARC in Action!

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Columbia Amateur Radio Club SwapFest

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CARC May Meeting Zoom

Greetings all! Pardon the delay in getting this posted. May Meeting will cover the following:

Zoom Details

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 3060 4722
Passcode: 516014
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,83430604722#,,,,*516014# US (Washington DC)
+13052241968,,83430604722#,,,,*516014# US

Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 305 224 1968 US
+1 309 205 3325 US

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