Greetings, everyone! This month we will have an in-person Skywarn training/presentation.
A Skywarn presentation is an educational session to inform and train individuals about the Skywarn program and its role in severe weather reporting and response. The presentation is typically conducted by representatives from the National Weather Service (NWS) or trained volunteers who know the program.
During a Skywarn presentation, participants can expect to learn the following key points:
- Introduction to Skywarn: The presentation starts with an overview of the Skywarn program, its history, and its importance in enhancing public safety during severe weather events.
- Weather Spotter Training: Participants receive training on becoming effective weather spotters. This includes learning about severe weather phenomena such as tornadoes, thunderstorms, hail, and strong winds.
- Identifying Severe Weather: The presentation includes guidance on how to identify and observe severe weather conditions, including cloud formations, visual cues, and other signs of imminent weather hazards.
- Reporting Procedures: Participants are taught how to report severe weather observations to the NWS. This includes information on the different reporting methods, such as phone hotlines, websites, and social media channels.
- Safety Measures: Skywarn presentations emphasize the importance of safety while spotting severe weather. Participants are educated about safe observation practices and how to avoid putting themselves in harm’s way.
- Collaborating with NWS: The presentation explains how the information provided by Skywarn spotters is used by meteorologists at the NWS to issue accurate and timely severe weather warnings.
- Community Involvement: Attendees are encouraged to get involved in the Skywarn program and contribute to their community’s preparedness and safety during severe weather events.
Overall, a Skywarn presentation aims to empower individuals with the knowledge and skills needed to become active participants in the program, contributing to the overall goal of creating a weather-ready nation.
Following Skywarn training, we will present suggested CARC By-Law changes for Club consideration.
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