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September Hams and Eggs: Zello and Hamshack Hotline Workshops Followed by Support your State Parks: POTA

September 16, 2023 Hams and Eggs will discuss the Who, the What, and the Why of Zello and Hamshack Holine. Don’t miss this special hands-on workshop and demonstration.

After Hams and Eggs, we will QSL to Sesquicentennial State Park Group Camping Area Site 2 for POTA. Bring your gear to activate or activate using radios there. Be your own DXpedition!

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Interested in becoming a SKYWARN Storm Spotter?

Current spotters, want to refresh your skills? We have several new sessions coming up soon. Our class schedule is updated, and here’s where to find more information: []( to see you online!

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Repeater 147.330 Back In Operation

Subject: Repeater 147.330 Status Update – Back Online

Dear CARC/W4CAE members and friends,

I hope this follow-up email finds you well. I am writing to provide you with an update on the status of Repeater 147.330.

I am pleased to inform you that Repeater 147.330 is now back online and fully operational. Our technical team is still evaluating the root cause and will work diligently to address the issues affecting its functionality, and I’m happy to report that the repeater is now ready to resume its services.

We understand the importance of this repeater to our users, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused during the downtime. We are committed to ensuring the reliability and performance of our equipment, and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve the situation.

Please feel free to utilize Repeater 147.330 for your communication needs. Should you encounter any further issues or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, Jim Lathan. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us maintain the highest level of service.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. We look forward to serving you through Repeater 147.330 and our other communication resources.

Best regards,

Jim Lathan
Columbia Amateur Radio Club, President

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Repeater 147.330 is offline!

Subject: Repeater 147.330 Outage and Ongoing Resolution Efforts

Dear W4CAE members and friends!

I hope this message finds you well. I am bringing to your attention a recent issue regarding repeater 147.330. As of August 18, 2023, our Columbia repeater147.330 is currently experiencing an outage, rendering it unavailable for communications.

We understand the importance of this repeater in maintaining seamless communication within our community, and I want to assure you that our technical team is actively working to identify and address the underlying problem. We prioritize swiftly resolving the issue and reinstating the functionality of repeater 147.330.

Please be assured that we are committed to providing timely updates on the progress of our resolution efforts. We understand the impact that this outage might have on your operations and communications, and we are dedicated to minimizing any disruptions caused by this situation.

Our technical team is investigating the problem’s root cause and working diligently to implement the necessary repairs or adjustments. We will inform you about the developments and anticipated timeline for restoring repeater 147.330.

In the meantime, the W4CAE 146.775 repeater is online, and if you have any urgent communication needs or anything else we can assist you with, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, Jim Lathan, directly. We are here to ensure that your communication requirements are met to the best of our abilities, even during this challenging period.

As a precaution, plans are in place to still have the Sunday Night Net on Club repeater 147.330. If, at the time of the Net, repeater 147.330 is still offline; the Net will use the Clubs 146.775 repeater, also known as the Ft. Jackson Repeater. Make sure you have the Ft. Jackson repeaters frequency, offset, and tone programmed in your radios: 

Ft. Jackson: 146.775 (-) T156.7

We apologize for any inconvenience this outage may have caused and appreciate your understanding and patience as we work toward a resolution. We value your continued partnership and trust in our services.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We will update you on our progress and provide you with the necessary information as soon as it becomes available.

Best regards,

Jim Lathan
Columbia Amateur Radio Club, President
[email protected]

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CARC ARRL Field Day Summary

Greeting all, CARC submitted the following ARRL Field Day Log:


Entry received at: 2023-07-18 01:34:20

Call Used: W4CAE     GOTA Station Call: K4TLC     ARRL/RAC Section: SC     Class: 8A

Participants: 34     Club/Group Name: Columbia Amateur Radio Club

Power Source(s): Generator, Battery, Solar

Power Multiplier: 2X

Preliminary Total Score: 1,886 – (Additional 400 points pending bonus documentation)

Bonus Points:
  100% emergency power                            800
  Media Publicity                                 100 – Pending documentation
  Public location                                 100
  Public information table                        100 – Pending documentation
  W1AW Field Day message                          100 – Pending documentation
  Site visit by invited elected official          100
  Site visit by invited served agency             100
  Educational activity                            100
  Youth participation (3 x 20, max of 100)         60
  Safety Officer 100 – Pending documentation
  Social media                                    100
  GOTA Station                                     20
  GOTA Coach                                      100
  Entry submitted via Web 50
Total bonus points                              1,930

Score Summary: (Cabrillo log/dupe sheet file: W4CAE.dup)
                  CW  Digital  Phone  Total
   Total QSOs     72     10      14
 Total Points    144     20      14    178   Claimed Score = (QSO points x power mult) = 356

Submitted by: Jim Lathan, W4JLP   [email protected]

Band/Mode QSO Breakdown:
               CW          Digital      Phone
            QSOs Pwr(W)  QSOs Pwr(W)  QSOs Pwr(W)
       40m    17    50      8    35             
       20m    54    50                   6   100
       15m     1    50      2    35      3   100
       10m                               1   100
      GOTA                               4    50
     TOTAL    72           10           14

GOTA Bonus: GOTA Coach – 100 Bonus Points
Name/Call            QSOs  Bonus Points
Tedd Clayton, K4TLC    4        20

We await the final confirmation of documents supporting our claim for Bonus Points.

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August Hams and Eggs Update!!!

UPDATE!!! We will not have access to Sesqui for Hams and Eggs; they are hosting Military Day, and all sites are booked. We will be meeting at a new venue; Lizards Thicket NE.

Join us for breakfast! Local friends and HAMS will meet every 3rd Saturday of the month for breakfast and fellowship. Meet with Friends, find an Elmer, ask questions, share your experiences, or discuss your next outing over breakfast.

TIME: 9:00 am 

Where: Lizard’s Thicket Restaurant, 10170 Two Notch Rd, Columbia, SC 29229, USA



Topics: SSTV Hands-On Demonstration, October Elmer Day, Open Topics

For more information, contact Jim W4JLP @ 803-669-6135

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September Meeting Agenda: Proposed Columbia Amateur Radio Club By-Laws Adoption

The Columbia Amateur Radio Club formed a committee to review the Club’s current Bylaws and recommend any edits/changes/additions to modernize the Club Bylaws. During the August 2023 Club General Meeting, these Bylaw recommendations were presented for Club consideration. I ask all club members to review the recommended Revised Club Bylaws and be prepared to discuss them in an open forum at the September meeting. After the Open Discussion, there will be an open vote to adopt the revised Bylaws.

Important Note: Zoom attendees who are current members are encouraged to participate and vote!

Zoom Meeting Details:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 6050 5814
Passcode: 974895

One tap mobile
+13017158592,,88960505814#,,,,*974895# US (Washington DC)
+13052241968,,88960505814#,,,,*974895# US

Access Bylaws for review:

Current By-Law for reference.

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