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Presentation: 40M NVIS Antenna

Steve, KI4VGA, gave a presentation at our October meeting on how to construct a 40M NVIS antenna. You can download the presentation here:

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Presentation: Stealth Antennas by Marty, AG3EK

Marty, AG3EK, presents "Stealth Antennas" during CARC's July 11 meeting.

Marty Allred, AG3EK, gave a presentation on stealth antennas at the Columbia Amateur Radio Club’s July 11 meeting.

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Presentation: Introduction to Operating Digital Modes

digital-demoAndy, KK4DSD, presented “An Introduction to Operating Digital Modes” during the club’s August 1 meeting.

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Welcome to the new W4CAE site!

carclogonewThe board of directors for the Columbia Amateur Radio Club is proud to announce the launch of our newly-developed website!

Our website has long been an invaluable resource for new hams, club members, net participants and those seeking a ham radio license. Getting information out to club members and the ham community is more important now than it’s ever been, particularly with the influx of new hams in the area. The hobby is growing, and so is our club.

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