Kevan attended the clubs August 2020 meeting and his presentation was very very interesting. Not at such a high level like some presentations but at a level we could implement his suggestions and understand why.
Note: all of the club business, opining and show and tell has been edited out by K4LLE. Which means this is a heavily edited video because the August club meeting was also a business meeting. For club business I direct you to the meeting minutes which will be posted under the tab MINUTES. This video is Kevan’s presentation and the Q&A session he ran afterwards. Also, because this MP4 is so big it could not be uploaded to this website. As such it was placed on a google drive with a sharable link. Click on this link and you will go to the google drive where you can download or view the full presentation.
This video is a ZOOM recording of the Columbia Amateur Radio Clubs (CARC) August 3 2020 business meeting. The CARC is not responsible for anything you see or hear in this video. This video is rated G for all audiences.