WHEN: Saturday, June 25th at 9 am
Where: Sesquicentennial State Park (See Field Day Information at W4CAE.Com)
- SIMPLEX RADIO Operations: 2m & 70 cm :
- REPEATERS Operations: Local & Linked and Statewide Systems
- Where to get Frequencies for Programming Your Radio
- RepeaterBook.com on your Computer
- Repeater Book App for Your Phone (Very Different)
- Radio set up and antenna suggestions… Just ask the antenna group
- Nets: Why have Nets & how to check into a Net
- Find Nets @ W4CAE.com & SCHEART.us
- QRZ.com – Call sign Look Up – plus much, much more
- Emergency Operations: A R E S: Amateur Radio Emergency Services
- ARES assist County Gov’s during Ex & Em, SCHEART, MURS , AUX COM
- Activities in the Area: Helping n/p organizations with communications
- To get additional help after this class…Find an Elmer (mentor).
- We make ham stuff like antennas, etc.
- Local Clubs
- Suggestions