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Columbia Amateur Radio Club Roster: October 1, 2023 Posted

The club roster is now updated and posted at

Take time to verify your status, if you have any questions contact Jim Lathan at [email protected], if you need to pay your club dues, follow and select pay dues near the bottom of the page.

Thank you

Jim Lathan, W4JLP
CARC President

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ISS SSTV Hardware Testing This Week

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October Hams and Eggs: 10/21/2023 Show and Tell…

Join us for breakfast! Local friends and HAMS will meet every 3rd Saturday of the month for breakfast and fellowship. Meet with Friends, find an Elmer, ask questions, share your experiences, or discuss your next outing over breakfast.

Topics: This month’s breakfast gathering topic will be Show and Tell. Bring an item you would like to tell us about; Ham related or not, and show us what you are interested in or have been working on. W4JLP will bring field power options to include batteries, battery boxes, and solar panels.

TIME: 9:00 am – 11:00am

Where: Lizard’s Thicket Restaurant, 10170 Two Notch Rd, Columbia, SC 29229, USA



For more information, contact Jim W4JLP @ 803-669-6135

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CARC October Club Meeting

The October 2nd guest presenter is Matt Hall, KD4EOD, Trustee of W4FTK. Matt will cover FleetTalk, both the amateur side and the commercial side. He’s preparing a presentation and will bring some cool gadgets to show the group. He’s driving down from York County to make this presentation IN PERSON.

FleetTalk – W4FTK Presentation posted in Presentations.

Also, for the October 2 club meeting, Joe Wilson, KO4WAA, Richland ARES EC, has been actively promoting getting folks – especially ARES guys – involved with simplex, especially regarding emergency communications. Joe has a good plan that he wants to share with the club.

Other topics:

147.330 – Repeater Replacement Discussion

Club officer elections are scheduled for November 6, and there is a need for nominees.

Christmas plans – Planning Committee

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 4966 1381
Passcode: 823770

One tap mobile
+13052241968,,83449661381#,,,,*823770# US
+13092053325,,83449661381#,,,,*823770# US

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September Hams and Eggs: Zello and Hamshack Hotline Workshops Followed by Support your State Parks: POTA

September 16, 2023 Hams and Eggs will discuss the Who, the What, and the Why of Zello and Hamshack Holine. Don’t miss this special hands-on workshop and demonstration.

After Hams and Eggs, we will QSL to Sesquicentennial State Park Group Camping Area Site 2 for POTA. Bring your gear to activate or activate using radios there. Be your own DXpedition!

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Interested in becoming a SKYWARN Storm Spotter?

Current spotters, want to refresh your skills? We have several new sessions coming up soon. Our class schedule is updated, and here’s where to find more information: []( to see you online!

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Repeater 147.330 Back In Operation

Subject: Repeater 147.330 Status Update – Back Online

Dear CARC/W4CAE members and friends,

I hope this follow-up email finds you well. I am writing to provide you with an update on the status of Repeater 147.330.

I am pleased to inform you that Repeater 147.330 is now back online and fully operational. Our technical team is still evaluating the root cause and will work diligently to address the issues affecting its functionality, and I’m happy to report that the repeater is now ready to resume its services.

We understand the importance of this repeater to our users, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused during the downtime. We are committed to ensuring the reliability and performance of our equipment, and we appreciate your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve the situation.

Please feel free to utilize Repeater 147.330 for your communication needs. Should you encounter any further issues or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, Jim Lathan. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us maintain the highest level of service.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation. We look forward to serving you through Repeater 147.330 and our other communication resources.

Best regards,

Jim Lathan
Columbia Amateur Radio Club, President

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