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Moving Amateur Radio Stations, Are You on the RaDAR?


Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio, often referred to by its acronym RaDAR, is a concept for operating an amateur radio station anywhere, anytime, and even in adverse environmental conditions. This concept supports the amateur radio service’s emergency communications mandate.

Where the concept originated

Radio amateurs from South Africa came up with a concept to build a comfortable portable radio station capable of operating for extended periods while walking or stationary after walking to a specified site.

The idea was discussed in an open forum and ideas gleaned from many of the local hams, some prototyping was done and the “Shack in a Sack” (SiaS) concept was born.

In August 2009 RaDAR – Rapid Deployment Amateur Radio, was launched – a more professional version of the SiaS concept.

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SC Midlands ARES Training Net for Thursday, 3/24

The SC Midlands ARES Training Net for Thursday, March 24 will be a Zoom meeting from 8 – 9 PM. (Note the start time is 8 PM, not the normal 8:30 PM). The agenda topic will be “Sharing COMMEX Experience” from March 15, 16, and 19 as described here:  2022 State FSE- March 15, 16, 19 | SCHEART

We’ll start the call with Tuesday and Wednesday COMMEX participants. They’ll share with us the type of tasks they were involved in and what they learned. 

We’ll continue the call with Saturday COMMEX participants. (Same deal) – They’ll share with us the type of tasks they were involved in and what they learned.

Hopefully, we have some time for discussion and Q and A.

For more information contact Mark KN4KRZ

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April CARC Meeting: Shack / Go-Box Show & Tell

The April meeting topics:

Let’s see those Go-Kits/Boxes, Mobile Gear, Antennas, or what you want to share with the club.


Topic: Columbia Amateur Radio Club April Meeting
Time: Apr 4, 2022, 06:45 PM Eastern Time (the US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 864 3466 4158
Passcode: 472820
One tap mobile
+19294362866,,86434664158#,,,,472820# US (New York) +13017158592,,86434664158#,,,,472820# US (Washington DC)

Dial by your location
+1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 864 3466 4158
Passcode: 472820
Find your local number:

  • Club Business
  • Jimmy Doolittle Day
  • Spring outing at Potter Park in Elgin: Swap Meet, Meet and Greet, Training, Fox Hunt Example, Mesh Networking Example, Winlink VaraFM, Antenna tunning, and others
  • Other events
  • Summer Field Day
  • Member Spotlight
  • Shack / Go-Kit Show and Tell
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Check Calendar for Next Class

WHAT: Columbia Amateur Radio Club Get Radio Active class is targeted at new and old licensed Amateur Radio Operators. This is a 3-hour session with volunteer club members who will discuss and demonstrate some topics for Radio Activity to help get you started (in no particular order):

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40AH Li-ion Battery Project Update

Update! Completed the battery build, this is a good bit of kit and I give it 2/5 stars for build difficulty and 4/5 stars for quality. In this build, I used 21 2400 mah 18650 batteries that will produce a max of 40ah with the battery management board. The cost of the total project not including tools less than $100.

I will have this battery and the spot welder used during the build at Ham and Eggs Breakfast on 3/19.

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Basic Storm Spotter Training Hosted by Columbia Amateur Radio Club – April 7th

Pierce Larkin, a meteorologist with NWS Columbia will be presenting “Basic Spotter Talk” on April 7th to the Columbia Amateur Radio Club Thursday, Apr 7, 2022, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM EDT. You don’t have to be a HAM to attend and/or be a Spotter. Register today and mark your calendars.

For more details and registration information:

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Columbia Amateur Radio Club Spring Trunkfest April 30th, Pass the word!

What a great way to get outdoors; a Trunkfest is an opportunity to mingle with other Amateur Radio Operators, share ideas, and reconnect with those you haven’t seen face to face in a long while. The Columbia Amateur Radio Club Spring Trunkfest is a swap meet that is free for those who want to buy, sell, swap, or trade amateur radio-related gear and items.

Welcome Amateur Radio Operators from any club to join us, we enjoy meeting fellow hams!

When: April 30th, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

Location: Potters Community Park, Elgin SC 29045

For more information Contact:
Jim Lathan, W4JLP
Columbia Amateur Radio Club President
Click to EMAIL

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