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ARRL School Club Roundup – CARC Members Highlight

Michael (KF4W) Teacher at Midlands Stem Charter School with Student on the Air

Every February and October, School Clubs all around the country get on the air and try to work as many contacts as possible. Groups are broken down into Elementary, Middle, High School, and Colleges.

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CARC Club Member Information Update Request

Greetings everyone!

We are in the process of cleaning up our Club roster and want to invite you all to update your information.

Updating your information will ensure the club roster is current and you will be notified of club activities and information.

Note: there must be a form for each member.

CARC Member Update Form.

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Harbison 50k – January 7th, 2023

Hey CARC and area friends of Amateur Radio!

We’re planning for the Harbison 50k and need VOLUNTEERS!

Here are the details you’ll need at this point:

When – Saturday, January 7th

Where – Harbison State Forest

Pre-event meeting – via Zoom the night before!

Race Start  – 7:30 am from the field in front of the gazebo.

The primary frequency will be 146.400 simplex – make sure you have a good antenna

The secondary frequency will be 147.330 2m

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December Ham and Eggs Cancelled

With the holidays closing in on us fast, I have decided to cancel the Decembers Ham and Eggs event. Being so close to Christmas I want to give you all time to be with your families, we will resume Ham and Eggs in December, check the club calendar for new and exciting events planned.

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Columbia Amateur Radio Club Christmas Party

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December 2022 Testing and Training

SCHEART will be offering Ham (Amateur) Radio classes in December of 2022. This is for Technician, General, and Extra. All classes will run from December 12th through 16th from 6 pm to 9 pm. Some classes will not take the whole week but will finish when all the material is covered. These classes run concurrently. You can only choose one of the classes.

We’re presenting the classes via video conference using Zoom ( ) If you didn’t have the time to attend in person before, now is your chance. Email me at [email protected]. I’ll forward your email to your instructor and they will send you an invitation to the video conference.

Here’s a tutorial on how to use zoom:

If you’ve never used videoconferencing before, Here are a couple of tips:

Use a headset or headphones. Any headphones that plug into your computer will do. Even the wired ones that came with your cell phone, if it’s using the 1/8” plug. This eliminates feedback when you unmute your microphone.
Mute your microphone when not speaking to the instructor. Otherwise, the class will hear any background noise from your computer.
Find the text/chat function and use it.
New hams will have to start out with the Technician course.

All classes are free. If you wish to attend, RSVP to [email protected]. Be sure to tell me which class you want to take and include your cell number.

Testing will be offered on December 17th at 08:30 am at SCETV headquarters, 1041 George Rogers Blvd in Columbia.  We’ll take care of the administrative work first and start the testing when the admin work is done. Bring a photo ID, an original copy of any Ham Radio license, your FRN, and $10.00 cash. If a child is testing and has no photo I.D., bring a copy of a birth certificate.

If you are testing for the first time, you must bring your FCC Registration Number (FRN), which you can get here:

If you’re coming for testing only, email us so we can plan accordingly.

Please refer any questions to [email protected]m

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23rd Annual COOP/SKYWARN Recognition Day

Greetings Columbia Amateur Radio Club members!

SRD 2022 is a go on Saturday, December 3rd, 2022, with a slight modification…the classes/seminars will be held in the airport terminal, and we will have small groups for tours in the building.

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