N2RJ does a great job of explaining this for us.
- Before May 3 2021 anything transmitting less then 100 watts was exempt from doing an RF Exposure checklist.
- After May 3 2021 everything, even QRP transmitters needs to have an RF Exposure checklist done and kept on file at your QTH.
- RF exposure is about safety more then RF interference (RFI). If you are running an amplifier and the antenna is on a tripod next to your chair, you really need to think about what all that RF energy is doing to your eyeballs… No kidding.
- For stations already in place, that evaluation must be completed by May 3, 2023. After May 3 of this year, any new station, or any existing station modified in a way that’s likely to change its RFE profile — such as different antenna or placement or greater power — will need to conduct an evaluation by the date of activation or change.
- The CARC has operators with plenty of experience on doing an RF Exposure checklist so don’t get concerned if some of this looks difficult. Attend our Sunday night net at 8:30p and ask net control for help, someone will contact you and take you through it. All you really need is a tape measure.
- ARRL RF safety page, just click here.
Click on the video for the full story.
ARRL video on RF Exposure Rules..
Shows compliance at a given distance
Lake Washington Ham Club and Wayne N6NB
Shows distance to compliance
Ham Radio School Excel Sheet (save XLS file)
Show MPE and compliance for a given distance