Cyber security is becoming more essential than ever with the growth of threats increasing each day. Prevention of a cyberattack is important, so make sure to follow these steps:
1-Use Strong Passwords
Passwords that are unique, long, and feature multiple characteristics and combinations are the most secure. Make sure you use a different password for each account.
2-Secure Your Device
Installing cybersecurity software helps keep your device secure while protecting your personal information and data.
3-Keep Your Browser Updated
Update all browsers, including on your mobile phone, to ensure that you’re operating on the most up-to-date and secure software.
4-Use Secure Websites
Websites secured with HTTPS protect your data that is in transit, and you shouldn’t ever submit personal information on a website without an SSL certificate.
5-Connect with a VPN
Use a VPN, or virtual private network, on all public WiFi connections. VPNs like Bitdefender add an additional layer of protection between your devices and the internet.
6-Back Up Data Regularly
If you happen to become a victim of a cyberattack, having your data backed up allows you to restore your most recently saved settings.