James Lathan

Author's posts

Wait a hamming minute: HamClock and Windows?

Windows 10/11, WSL 2.0, Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS

Want a program to display tons of Amateur Radio-related information? Many believe the only way to have a Geochron-like display is to install Linux on a dedicated system such as a Raspberry PI or a compatible PC or Laptop. Well, you can do that and have a reliable …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/wait-a-hamming-minute-hamclock-and-windows/

March Ham and Eggs – Parks on the Air

March Ham and Eggs will feature Parks on the Air (POTA). So, what is POTA? POTA (Parks on The Air) is a part of Ham Radio that is growing in popularity. It starts when a Ham Radio operator travels to a National, State, or County Park listed on the POTA website. The Ham Radio Operator …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/march-ham-and-eggs-parks-on-the-air/

March CARC Monthly Meeting!

Greetings all, this month our main presentation will be Bill, W4FSV, taking us through the history and theories of Tubes in Amateur Radio. This will be a fantastic presentation, join us if you can.

Meeting Agenda

Call to order Opening Welcome Treasurer report Approval of Club Minutes Bill, W4FSV Presentation Update of SCQSO Party Open …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/march-carc-monthly-meeting/

February CARC Meeting Zoom

Greetings everyone! We will meet in person at the ETV building and encourage all to join us there. In case you can’t make the meeting below is the Zoom meeting information for Monday.

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/february-carc-meeting-zoom/

Winlink for Emergency Communications: Beginners Workshop


Wait what? Last month’s Ham and Eggs attendees received a USB key packed with tools and software for Winlink, JS8Call, and VARAChat. Perfect timing, there is training posted at ARES-SC.org that will take you through Winlink A-Z. More details are below: NOTE: This is will a late evening event, it is posted to be a …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/winlink-for-emergency-communications-beginners-workshop/

Winter Field Day 2023

The last Winter Field Day planning Zoom meeting is Wednesday 25th at 7:00 pm:

Click here for details in the Club Calendar

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/winter-field-day-2023/

RF Line-of-Sight

Line-of-Sight provides radio path information for mapping long-distance SCADA radio communications by using antenna height and topography. Though this tool is designed for cellular service, it has great potential in the ham community. For example, I live in Lugoff and have sporadic issues reaching the club repeater 147.330. I feel certain that my antenna is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/rf-line-of-sight/