James Lathan

Author's posts

81st Commemoration of The Doolittle Raid

If you are interested in WWII and South Carolina history you will probably enjoy this Sunday afternoon April 23, from 1 – 5 PM. Join us for a day of Radio to commemorate The Doolittle Raiders. The Columbia Big Band will be playing the music of the 40s. Lots of displays, even a HAM Radio …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/81st-commemoration-of-the-doolittle-raid/

When the Bands Conditions are right, WOW!

Greetings all! Today we finally got outside after all of the rains cleared. Tedd K4TLC and I decided to set up his Icom 705 and do a little testing with some new antennas; we tested the Buddipole (dipole) and a Wolfe River Coil. The band conditions were amazing. Using just 10 watts of power …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/when-the-bands-conditions-are-right-wow/


Midlands Skywarn Newsletter Sign-up

The Columbia SKYWARN Team assists the Columbia National Weather Service with Ground-Truth weather observations during severe or dangerous weather. The Columbia NWS forecast area covers much of South Carolina and is divided into August/CSRA, Midlands, and Eastern Midlands.

The Columbia SKYWARM Team holds NETS and Virtual Training/Meetings weekly and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/columbia-skywarn-storm-spotters-team/

Midlands SKYWARN Monthly virtual meeting

Severe weather season is here.  Are you ready?  Join us at 8 pm tomorrow for the Midlands SKYWARN Monthly virtual meeting, and let’s review. There will be a number of announcements for everyone, and hope you are able to join us at 8 pm.

Until tomorrow, best wishes for a great week!


You are invited to …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/midlands-skywarn-monthly-virtual-meeting/

Walk MS: Columbia, SC April 22, 2023

Greetings all! Gary K4HGA and Mark KN4KRZ are looking for volunteers to assist with Walk MS course monitoring Saturday, April 22, 2023. Walk MS event is an easy short outing, making it a great way to enjoy the spring weather and test your HTs and portable VHF/UHF radios. Event details are below, again to join …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/walk-ms-columbia-sc-april-22-2023/

March VE Session: Fantastic Turnout and Support

This Saturday, March 25th, we had a fantastic session, we had about 12 testing and just as many grading. I want to thank all of the supporting HAMS from all over, your support makes our VE sessions a tremendous success. Yes, looks like too many VEs, we actually had several first-time VEs and those …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/march-ve-session-fantastic-turnout-and-support/

April CARC Meeting


Greetings all! April meeting will feature Richard KQ4AMK presenting alternative power solutions highlighting Off-Grid Power and Communications for hams, this should be a very informative presentation. Do you have something you like to share/demonstrate, bring it! Let’s see what you are working on.

Topics are but are …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/april-carc-meeting/