James Lathan

Author's posts

Severe Winter Weather Guide

In addition to a fully charged radio, portable battery source, cellphone, and a full gas tank, a winter weather emergency kit in your vehicle can be a lifesaver on the road. Also, don’t forget to download the South Carolina Emergency Management Division‘s Severe Winter Weather Guide for more tips on preparing for a winter storm: https://bit.ly/3tinHJe

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/severe-winter-weather-guide/

Central South Carolina CARC Simplex Net on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 7:30 PM on frequency 146.400.

Friendly Reminder!

on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at 7:30 PM on frequency 146.400.

 Please join us.Tonight’s check-in topic: How do you prepare for winter weather? For more information about the simplex net, here’s a link: W4CAE/Area Nets tab/Central SC CARC Simplex Net

73,Mark KN4KRZ 

Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/central-south-carolina-carc-simplex-net-tonight-january-19-730-pm/

Jimmy Doolittle Special Event April 16, 2022

Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/jimmy-doolittle-special-event-april-16-2022/

Ham and Eggs January 15!

Thank you all who joined us for breakfast, we had another successful outing with 25+ amateur radio enthusiasts visiting us for fellowship and discussions. Remember to join us for the next Ham and Eggs Breakfast on the 3rd Saturday of each month.

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/ham-and-eggs-january-15-900-am/

Winter Field Day 2022

Due to the current Covid surge, the Columbia Amateur Club is not planning for a group event. However, anyone interested in participating at an outdoor location is welcome to meet at Sesqui State Park camping site 69. You can set up a station and operate or just look at what others are doing. It will …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/winter-field-day-2022/

2022 Sandblast Rally

5 March 2022


The annual Sandblast Rally will be on 5 March 2022 in Cheraw SC. The event is literally all day; meet up for assignments at 06:30 and the final stage of the race doesn’t normally end until after 4 or 5 PM.

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/2022-sandblast-rally/

Our Very Own N4BQQ Receives ARRL Commendations For Exemplary Amateur Radio Operation

Mike, N4BQQ, Receives Commendations For Exemplary Amateur Radio Operation Swansea, South Carolina (for operation on the SC HF ARES Net) in the January 6th ARRL New Letter. Mike is a champion of our hobby and his great effort is recognized by many. Thank you N4BQQ for all that you do for the Club, the community, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/our-very-own-n4bqq-receives-arrl-commendations-for-exemplary-amateur-radio-operation/