James Lathan

Author's posts


Join us for the Hams and Eggs Breakfast, a gathering of radio enthusiasts to share knowledge and camaraderie. This month’s event highlights Winter Field Day, where we discuss preparation and tips for this essential operating event. Dive into the innovative world of Meshtastic, exploring how it enhances communication in remote settings. Additionally, we’ll present …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/january-hams-and-eggs/

CARC in the Park: Winter Field Day!

Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/carc-in-the-park-winter-field-day/

Announcement: Columbia Amateur Radio Club Swapfest – April 26, 2025

The Columbia Amateur Radio Club (CARC) is thrilled to invite amateur radio enthusiasts, hobbyists, and collectors to our Annual Swapfest in beautiful Columbia, South Carolina! This year’s event promises to be bigger and better than ever, offering a fantastic opportunity to buy, sell, and trade amateur radio gear, meet fellow hams, and participate in the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/announcement-columbia-amateur-radio-club-swapfest-april-26-2025/

January 2025 CARC Monthly Club Meeting: Meet KM6LYW: Innovator Behind DigiPi

January Featured Presentation

We are excited to announce that at the January Club meeting, we have a special guest: Craig KM6LYW. Craig KM6LYW is a trailblazer in the amateur radio community, known for blending traditional ham radio practices with cutting-edge technology will be joining the Clubs Zoom meeting. As the creator of DigiPi, a compact, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/january-2025-carc-monthly-club-meeting-meet-km6lyw-innovator-behind-digipi/

CARC August Meeting

This month’s agenda:

Presentation by Roger Mull about Winlink forms and their importance, Repeater update, Club reports

Meeting Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83141052514?pwd=bEE3NEtua2s4Y2kzQXg0LzlCcHJzZz09

Meeting ID: 831 4105 2514

Passcode: 806718

— One tap mobile +13092053325,,83141052514#,,,,*806718# US +13126266799,,83141052514#,,,,*806718# US (Chicago)

Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/carc-august-meeting/

2024 SCQSO Party Results

A special thank you to all who participated! Fantastic results!

Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/2024-scqso-party-results/

Columbia Amateur Radio Club is now a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador!

The Columbia Amateur Radio Club is now a Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) Ambassador.

The Columbia Amateur Radio Club is excited to collaborate with NOAA/NWS to help strengthen our nation’s readiness against extreme weather, water, and climate events. If you would like more information, please visit the Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador Frequently Asked Questions. And if you need any additional information, …

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Permanent link to this article: https://w4cae.com/columbia-amateur-radio-club-is-now-a-weather-ready-nation-ambassador/