Paul Finan, N4PRF, Net Manager
Daily Nets
- South Carolina Single Sideband Net: 7:00 pm at 3.915 LSB (
- Coastal Carolina Emergency Net: 7:00 pm 3.907 LSB (
- The Carolinas Slow Net (CSN): 8:00 pm on 3.695 CW
- Southcars: 8 a.m. to 1 pm, 7.251 LSB (
- 7240 Club: Monday-Friday 10 a.m. to noon 7.240 LSB, Saturday, 10-11 am
- Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network: International SATERN HF SSB net is on 14.265.0 MHz on Monday through Saturday at 1500 Z /11:00 AM (Eastern)
- Little Mountain Repeater Net, 7:30 pm, 147.210 +156.7
- Kershaw County ARC Net: 8:00 pm 146.775 -156.7
- Greenwood Net: 8 pm UHF net 443.900+ machine. The 2M Machine is linked to the 440 Machine for the UHF Net.
- 8 pm Charlotte NC 28.610 HF
- 9 pm Ridge Club Cookie Jar Crew 147.255
- 11:44am Hope 4 Hams 147.210
- South Carolina A.R.E.S. Statewide HF Net: 6:00pm 3.990 (check netlogger as they may have moved)
- Sandlapper SSB Six Meter Net: 8:00pm 50.250
- SCHEART/SkyWarn net 146.715 T 91.5 9:00pm ( In season see SC Heart calendar )
- 8 pm Absolute Tec Net 145.00
- 8.30 Lexington Emergency Net 147.000 (1st & 3rd Tuesdays)
- 9 pm York Co. Net 28.390 HF
- Lake Norman SSB Six Meter Net: 8:00pm 50.130
- 9 am Radio Rag Chew Round-up 147.210
- 9 pm Radio Rag Chew Round-up 147.210
- Central SC CARC Simplex Net: 7:00 pm 146.400 (1st & 3rd Thursday)
- SC Midlands A.R.E.S. Training Net Thursday 7:00 pm 147.330 +156.7 (2nd & 4th Thursday)
- Greenwood Net: 147.165+ 9:00 pm
- Edisto Amateur Radio Society (EARS) Net 9pm AD4U St. Matthews Repeater 146.670 – offset T 156.7 hz
- 9 am SC Heart Net- Health/Hospitals 146.715
- 7.30 pm GSP SkyWarn Net (Upstate) 444.875
- 9 pm Greenwood Net 147.165
- Mount Mitchell 6m Net, 9 pm on the 6 meter repeater, 53.630 (-), 100.0 hz tone
- 7 pm SC SSB Net (Mon.-Fri.) 3.915 HF
- 7-11 pm Friendly Bunch Net (Daily) 3.919 HF
- 8 pm August Club Net (Mon.-Fri.) 145.490
- 6600 net on the Mt Mitchell repeater in Ashville NC 145.190 minus, no tone at 9pm
- South Carolina Emergency and Experimenter’s Net, 1st & 3rd Saturday each month at 9pm 3.955 then moving to 28.360
- Southern Territory Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network (SATERN) HF SSB net is on 7.262.0 MHz on Saturdays at 11:00 AM (Eastern)
- SATERN HF digi-net is on 14.065.0 MHz on Saturdays at 1:00 PM (Eastern). Default mode is OLIVIA 8/500 (8 Tones, 500 Wide) offset by the standard 1000 Hz.
- Statewide A.R.E.S. Net: 8:00pm, see below
- CARC 2 meter Net: 8:30 pm147.330 + T156.7 (Net Control Schedule)
- Georgia Auxcomm monthly 60m ch5 net. Always the second Sunday of the month at 2pm local time
- Ridge Amateur Radio Club 9pm simplex net 146.550 then moving to the 147.255 + 123.0 repeater then moving to 10m 28.360
The Statewide A.R.E.S. Net is held every Sunday night at 8:00 PM on the combined Charleston Amateur Radio Society and Trident Amateur Radio Club Linked Systems. The linked systems are linked into the SCHEARTS Awendaw Hub and the SCHEARTS Reflector. Currently, if you are in the Columbia and Conway areas, you are encouraged to check in to the net by using the local SCHEARTS Repeaters (Columbia 146.715 Tone 91.5, Conway 146.715 Tone162.2). Connect the repeater to the Reflector by entering: ” *0 “