Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act Re-Introduced

From the ARRL Division News Roanoke Division Email:

ANTENNA RELIEF BILL REINTRODUCED – Identical versions of The Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act have been reintroduced in Congress in both the House and the Senate. If passed and signed into law, the legislation would require homeowner associations to accommodate the needs of FCC-licensed Amateur Radio operators by prohibiting the enforcement of private land use restrictions that ban, prevent, or require the approval of the installation or use of Amateur Radio station antennas. Among other provisions, this legislation would prohibit homeowner association rules that would preclude or ban Amateur Radio antennas, specify an approval process for installing Amateur Radio antennas, and provide a federal private right of action to Amateur Radio operators in disputed cases. The bill numbers are HR1094 for the House version and S459 for the Senate bill. ARRL will be coordinating a grassroots campaign to have members contact their congressional representatives for support.

The text of the House Bill can be found at the link below:

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