12v UPS for Mini PC

Mike- N7ETA

A few years ago, I decided to upgrade my PC. In researching, I found a mini fan-less PC that runs on a 12v wall wart. After researching my software wouldn’t have any issues I purchased and installed the software I use.

The only issue I had was that even with my off the shelf UPS system the PC would reboot during bad weather. I investigated and found the wall wart was susceptible to power line transits.I thought about using one of my ham radio power supplies, which I thought was way over kill.

Searching the internet I found that battery operation was preferable. But then again it was much more than I needed. Then on “YouTube” I found them using an oversize AA with a voltage of 3.7v. This is actually called a 18650 cell as the designated size. What was impressive was the different capacities viable on “Amazon”. These cost from $2.25 in multiples and capacities from 2000mah to 9900mah 

More research indicated I could build a DIY UPS with no switching time and a fairly large run time. Since the most time I have been without power has been less than 1 hour. So I sat down and worked out a wiring diagram. The schematics program I use is called “Fritzing”.  Here is a link to the webpage for the software. https://fritzing.org/

Here is the parts list, cost supplier.

12v 18650 UPS BOM
QTYLabelPart TypeUnitPart NumberSupplier
1CaseEnclosure$18.99Blue Metal Enclosure.7 x 4.33 x 3.1 inchAmazon
1120vac to 12vdcS-350-60 Power Supply$12.9812v @ 5ampAmazon
15.15V OutGeneric female header – 2 pins$1.44Terminal Binding Post Spring Clip 2-WayAmazon
1AC1AC Power$1.83Inlet Module Plug Socket Power EntryAmazon
3Bat118650 Battery$5.973.7v @ 9900maAmazon
1C1Electrolytic Capacitor$0.35470ufAmazon
1D1Rectifier Diode$0.051N4007Amazon
1DS2Y-5-DC5V1DS2Y-12-DC12V$1.00HK19F-DC 5V-SHG Signal RelayAmazon
1LED1LED$0.043mm Green (570nm)Amazon
1S1Push-button$0.53Momentary (NO)Amazon
1TP1BMS Li-ion Charger$0.643S 12V 10A 18650 Lithium Battery Protection BoardAmazon
1U1Buck converter$3.24Mini-360 Step-up DC-DCAmazon
1VM1Voltmeter$2.163 digit LED  (2 wire)Amazon

Here are a couple of pictures of the finished unit.

The Future-

Since I also operate a couple of Raspberry Pi’s 24/7, I am refining the schematic with a couple of changes and will build one for 5v.

Mike- N7ETA (Extra Terrestrial Amateur)

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